JUNE 17 - JULY 29, 2023
This is Shatto Gallery's first collection exhibition, showcasing a variety of works by artists who date as far back as the late 1800s.

Shatto Gallery is hosting a unique exhibition titled Transcending Time: Shatto Collection. This exhibition is the first public showcase of artworks from the personal collection of Shatto Gallery, collected over the years. It introduces diverse genres of art, including Eastern and Western paintings, photography, sculpture, and calligraphy.
The Eastern painting section features works by renowned contemporary artists such as Cheongjeon Lee Sang-beom, Uije Heo Baek-ryeon, Simsan No Su-hyeon, Unbo Gim Gichang, and Seo Se-ok. It also features an eight-panel traditional folding screen (byung-poong) by Namnong Heo Geon. In the calligraphy section, there are writings by Son Jae-hyung, regarded as the best calligrapher since Chusa, as well as calligraphic works by Kim Chung-hyun, a leading modern calligrapher in Korea, and Korean (Hanja) calligraphy by Pyeongbo Seo Hui-hwan and poems by Lee Eun-sang.
The Western painting section showcases works by the leading artists of Korean abstract art, Nam Kwan, Byun Jong Ha, and Kwon Ok-yeon. It also presents an infamous piece by Kwon Young-woo, who pioneered the realm of abstract art using Eastern painting materials. Additionally, the exhibition introduces works by internationally acclaimed Spanish artist Joan Miró and sculptures by Kim Jung-sook. None of the exhibited works in this exhibition are for sale, and Sue Park, the director, says that the purpose of the exhibition is to share the experience with fellow art enthusiasts living in Southern California who would appreciate seeing such valuable and remarkable pieces.
This exhibition is one of the many services that Shatto Gallery aims to provide for the community.